Ross Lyons Motors

Brake and Clutch Repairs

Brake Fluid Change

Clean brake fluid plays a vital role in internally lubricating brake components and allowing your vehicle to stop efficiently, especially under heavy loads or high temperatures. Over time, brake fluid absorbs moisture through microscopic pores in the hoses’ and seals. Brake fluids saturated with water renders your brakes ineffective.

Brake Pads

Brake pads are a key component in your vehicle’s braking system. As the brakes are applied their contact with the brake rotors are what allow you to stop. Over time, this interaction causes the brake pads to gradually wear down, reducing your braking ability. We recommend replacing your brake pads after they have worn less than 1/8th of an inch, often signaled by a squealing wear indicator embedded in the brake pad.

Brake Repairs

There’s no underestimating the importance of your brakes when it comes to safety. Brakes work by transmitting friction to your wheels via hydraulic force. Properly functioning brakes are important, especially in the rainy season. If the brake pedal is pressing close to the automobile floor, or if you hear squealing while braking, we are here to help.

Brake Callipers

Brake callipers are a vital part of your vehicle’s braking system. The callipers squeeze the brake pads against the surface of the brake rotor to slow or stop the vehicle. When you step on the brake, brake fluid from the master cylinder creates hydraulic pressure on one or more pistons in the brake calliper, forcing the pads against the rotor.

Clutch Repairs

Your clutch is very important aspect in the life of any vehicle to maintain and improve its performance. At Ross Lyons Motors, with our detailed checks and inspections, we ensure all safety and quality measures of your clutch when you bring it for car service at our workshop.